Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama-Biden Urban Policy Agenda

This just showed up on, the online office of the president elect. (Since when do you get an online office before being inaugurated? Eh, anyhow, the info is extensive). It's the Obama-Biden urban policy agenda.

I am wrapping up my time here in São Paulo and getting ready to continue work on housing and urban social justice in the States. This means learning as much about urban politics and housing policy back home as I did down here. I'll be studying this with interest in the days to come.


David said...

What do you think about the (now deleted) bit about required community service? Not a good start, Obama.

AHR said...

In trying to figure out what urban politics is about I chanced upon Seattle city councilmember Nick Licata at an interesting practical joining of communication of a astute politician using the internet

Laura said...

David - I missed the community service bit, so I can't say.

Though I too am wary of mandatory community service because, as someone who participates in/ organizes activism and service stuff, having to involve people who don't want to be there is a giant pain in the ass. And they usually do a terrible job.